Financial Services Ireland


Getting the right remuneration approach to AIFMD

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From our discussions with clients, we have repeatedly found a number of significant themes in relation to how companies are still finalising their remuneration approach to AIFMD. To provide a platform for discussion, we held a AIFMD Remuneration roundtable on Wednesday 19 November.

Amongst a number of key topics that were used to frame the roundtable were:

  • Organisations are still finalising their remuneration approach to AIFMD
  • Reporting requirements are becoming increasingly important
  • Different approaches taken by EU regulators
  • Different approaches to proportionality
  • Substantial range in the number of identified employees
  • Different approaches to the “payment in instruments” requirements

This presentation, while only a framework for discussion, can be found through the document link below.

For more information on AIFMD remuneration or any other area of AIFMD, please contact myself or Vishal Khosla.

Vishal Khosla
Executive Director | EMEIA Financial Services – Human Capital | EY Financial Services London
+44 20 795 15402

Lisa Kealy

Wealth & Asset Management, Sector Leader
Lisa's Full Profile